Bridgeport ... A Community Living and Growing Together

REGULAR Town Board Meeting: Tuesday, August 7, 2024 | Election Commission Agendas & Minutes | More Information: Agendas  , Minutes  , Schedules

There is currently a survey active on the SASWA website available to anyone who visits the website or any of its web pages. The results of this survey will be used to help guide future outreach in order to focus on what information will be most useful for its target audience, you all. In order to take the survey, simply click the link in this post, or click the ribbon at the top of the SASWA website. Either of these options will take you to a series of questions about your thoughts on the water quality in your area. The survey should take 10-15 minutes, but feel free to spend as much time as you need answering the questions.

Click here to take the survey!

Why is this information being collected? Part of the SASWA’s vision for the implementation of the project is to increase the knowledge of the general public and business community with the goal of residents becoming better stewards of the watershed within Saginaw County and the Saginaw Urbanized area. This survey provides us with feedback on the topics that residents feel are most important, what actions residents are already taking to improve local water quality, and better ways to get information about stormwater topics out into the community. The survey is completely anonymous and does not need to be completed in order to access other areas of the SASWA website. We appreciate your feedback!

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